Friday, November 6, 2009

Social Studies - Native Americans

Interesting points of interest on our most recent class topic, Native Americans.

Did you know that November is National American Indian Heritage Month?

Did you know that there are several Indian tribes that can be found in our state of Texas?

Texas Indian Tribes:

Apache, Comanche, Li-anero, Waco, Kichai, Alabama Coushatta, Tawakoni, Lipan Apache, Tonkawa, Atakapa, Karankawa and Coahuiltec.

My ancestral roots indicate that I am of indian descendants, how about you?

Reading Resources:
Villasenior, David, Tapestries in Sand, Naturegraph Publishers. On Navajo sandpainting.

Bruchac, Joseph. 2000. Pushing Up the Sky: Seven Native American Plays for Children. Dial Books.
This book contains a collection of simple scripts and directions based on Native American folk tales, mostly pourquoi tales.

Web Sources:

National Museum of Indians

First People

Reflect on some points of interest.

1. What did you learn about modern Native American cultures from the books you read? Talk about at least one thing.

2. What did you learn about modern Native American cultures from the Web sites you visited? Talk about at least one thing.


Columbus Day Native American Day?